Tag Archives: Show

The Best Deals in Singapore

31 Aug

Groupon Singapore


Cirque Éloize iD

24 Jun

I don’t particularly fancy circus performance but I was completely on my toes throughout the Cirque Éloize iD show.

Instead of fanciful costumes and funny clowns, Cirque Éloize iD has creatively meshes pure acrobatics skills that blend into a unique storyline in an urban backdrop that fills with excitement and adrenaline rush. It is simply impossible to look away from the ever-changing stage with the superb lighting and projections along with great music and cleverly incorporating sound effects.

Among the some of the performances, there was the playful juggling act and a battle dance whereby a topless man was strap up onto two straps, the tough Chinese Pole and there was the entertaining hip-hop and break-dance inspired urban dancing. The Cyr Wheel act was a stunner and I was holding my breath as the athlete bikers hopped and skidded around an audience lying on the stage.

Whether it was the breathtaking Hand-Balancing act or the beautiful Aerial Silks or the adrenaline pumping Trampowall, the entire performance has caught every second of my attention and I found myself clapping hard at every other minute intervals!

Definitely a great show not to be missed. In fact, I wish I could to show it again soon!


27 Jan

李国煌 Mark Lee, 梁智强 Jack Neo, 阿牛 A Niu, Afdlin Shauki, 郑秀珍 Jacelyn Tay, 黄文鸿 Huang Wenhong, 林慧玲 Rebecca Lim, 高艺 Koe Yeet
Directed By:
Lee Thean-Jeen 李天仁
Plot Outline:
Boasting an All-Star ensemble cast from both sides of the Causeway, Homecoming is a series of engaging intertwining stories revolving around family, celebration and tradition. Join us in this action packed comedy as we cross hurdle after hurdle to journey home at Chinese New Year.

Reunion Dinner….it’s once a year for a reason!!


从新家坡到吉隆坡, 一天的行程,90分钟的精彩。


故事讲诉新年除夕,在跟名厨爸爸Daniel赌气的Mindy上了赶回吉隆坡与亲友吃团圆饭的Karen Neo和她的儿子搭乘的同旅行巴士而展开了一段诙谐爆笑的旅程。


途中儿子阿明((阿牛)在车上误服安眠药、妈妈Karen Neo (梁志强)试图用风油救醒他,再来是上完大号后才发现没有纸巾,从巴士到转搭德士一路趣事连连。


虽然是笑片,剧中也不乏有温馨的桥段;例如Karen Neo在机场以中奖彩票和乘客换机票以让Mindy可以回家和爸爸团聚;在德士里帮司机Zool(Afdlin Shauki)的太太接生, 而高傲自负的名厨Daniel(李国煌)则被众员工‘炒‘后辛得餐厅经理菲菲(郑秀珍)姨妈、姑姐、叔公的相助而成功的招待当晚的贵宾。


虽然久违了的郑秀珍 没带来多大的惊喜;笑匠刘玲玲则把慈母演得太用力;但再作冯妇的梁智强;满口港腔式华语的李国煌加上喜感的阿牛,《笑著回家》好看!







Gala Premiere at Golden Village, Vivo City

我的意外收获 – my favorite DJ  江坚文



Post Party at Gallery Bar, St James Power Station

After the show, we were invited to continue the night at Gallery Bar, St James Power Station.


While waiting for the casts to join us at the party, drinks were served and the host warmed up the atmosphere and played a little question and answer game with the audience and the lucky ones have walked away with some movie goodies.


When Jack Neo, A-Niu, Rebecca Lim and Koe Yeet appeared, the crowd went all high and everybody dashed in front of the stage with cameras flashing non-stop trying to get the best shots.


With a short presentation, the team began to sing the movie soundtrack 《笑著回家》for us. After the song, Jack Neo and A-Niu lightheartedly make fun of one another and the humorous A-Niu began to ‘complain’ about his mother ‘Karen Neo’ and teased Rebecca on her singing.


Before leaving the stage, Jack Neo urged us to enjoy ourselves at this informal gathering, which we did.



The Flaming Lips and The Raveonettes Live in Singapore

12 Nov

We have gone to Marina Bay Sands Expo Hall E to catch The Flaming Lips first ever show in Singapore on 11 November 2010.

I were murmuring on how early we were as we took the escalator down to the Hall at about 7.30pm but the sight of the snaking queues shut me up immediately. As it is free standing, those who get into the hall early will get to ‘chomp’ the best view and it is understandable that fans wanted to support their idols up close, so reluctantly we joined in the queue too.

The Dainsh alt-rock duo, The Raveonettes took the lead and rock-away the first half of the show. To be honest, it was The Flaming Lips that I was there for so I was in fact a little disappointed to find out that they will only be performing on the second half. Nonetheless, The Raveonettes were really great and apart from kicking the crowd high with their performance, I was touched that to see Sune Rose Wagner helping to the crews to clear the stage to make way for the The Flaming Lip’s next gig.

While there was a little hiccup and took quite a while to prepare the stage for The Flaming Lip’s gig, it is a performance absolutely worth waiting for. The crowd went wild with Wayne Coyne coming down to the audience in the huge balloon. The guys were very energetic and the entire show was so engaging and fun. It was very much like a huge party filled with gigantic balloons and confetti with hosts and party goers enjoying themselves immensely. With such performance, It is no wonder why they could be popular for more than two decades!

On a side track, those with bad breath, you are simply polluting the already stale air of the confined space. And those with dirty hair, could you spare the rest of us by at least tying them up before swinging and banging your head so hard. And seriously, how much do those blurry photo/videos really worth that make those photographer-wanna-bes so persistently wanting to capture the every move on stage the entire night?